The Profitable Writer

The Profitable Writer

Hosted by: Kent Sanders

The Profitable Writer Podcast helps you create more impact and income with a writing business. Episodes features interviews with guest experts as well as content to help you grow your business, become more productive,...

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How to Build a Writing Habit in 2024

As a writer, you long to make a difference in the world. You want to use your creative gifts. You might even want to build a part-time or full-time business with your writing. We know that a writing habit is the...
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Screenwriter Brock Swinson on the Secrets of Prolific Writers

If there’s one thing we all want to do in 2024, it’s to write and publish more books. I’m excited to have a guest today who can help us learn the secrets of writers who get the work done and watch their success keep...
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10 Lessons I Learned About Life, Writing, and Business in 2023

One of the most important habits you can ever develop is reflection. The pace of life today is pretty fast and it’s easy to just keep going, going, going all the time.  (Turns out Ferris Bueller was right!) When you...
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Sales Expert Paul Leon on Creating Your Value Proposition as a Writer

As a writer, you live in two worlds: the world of business and the world of creative thinking. Creative types tend to focus on making the product and spend less time on marketing and selling it. My guest today is here...
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How to Do Less and Achieve More in 2024

Like most writers, you probably have mixed emotions as we near the end of 2024. My guess is that you’ve had some great wins this year, but you’ve also had some challenges. One thing we all have in common, no matter...
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Valerie Cockerell on Writing Her First Book, Leadership Lessons from Disney, and Managing Like a Mother

One of the recurring themes of this podcast is leadership. Writing and creativity are, of course, a huge part of what we do. But if we want to operate a successful business, we have to be able to manage all the moving...
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The 4 Fundamentals of a REAL Writing Business

On today's episode, Kent talks about the 4 fundamentals of a REAL Writing business: 1. Relationships with people 2. Excellence in your craft 3. Attitude toward business and money 4. Leadership in your business and...
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Morgan Canclini-Mitchell on Secrets of PR Success, Avoiding the Biggest Author Mistakes, and Book Launch Tactics

As an author, one of your biggest goals is to get your books into the hands of readers. It’s going to involve various levels of marketing, and in some cases, a PR (public relations) team. Imagine if you could sit down...
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An Introduction to The Profitable Writer: Grow Your Impact & Income with a Writing Business

Welcome to the first episode of The Profitable Writer podcast! Thanks for being here. On this episode, you'll learn: What problem we're solving with Profitable Writer The 9 steps of the Profitable Writer Pathway Who...
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One Year Ago Today, I Was Going to Quit

One year ago today, I was going to quit my business. But I made a decision that helped me overcome the frustration and discouragement. On this episode, I tell the story and help you see why you should keep going also....
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Mark Gottlieb on Finding & Working with a Literary Agent

We live in an amazing time when authors have lots of options for publishing. The main three options are these: First, you can self-publish your books, which means you assume all the risks, responsibilities, and...
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It’s Business, Not Personal

📚 Download your FREE Daily Writer Starter Kit at ✉️ Want writing tips and inspiration delivered to your inbox daily? Sign up for the FREE Daily Writer email at...
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