Screenwriter Brock Swinson on the Secrets of Prolific Writers

If there’s one thing we all want to do in 2024, it’s to write and publish more books. I’m excited to have a guest today who can help us learn the secrets of writers who get the work done and watch their success keep rising.

Brock Swinson hosts the Creative Principles podcast, where he speaks with writers, actors, directors, musicians, and more. He has interviewed figures such as Aaron Sorkin, Ethan Hawke, Jim Gaffigan, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Taylor Sheridan, Judd Apatow, and hundreds more for his show.

Recently, Brock has packed all of this knowledge into the book Ink by the Barrel: Secrets From Prolific Writers, which you can get completely for free by visiting The book is divided into three parts: Time, Voice, and Process. It contains advice on every single page to help novice writers become prolific.

Brock has also been a copywriter for the last decade, working with entrepreneurs like Russell Brunson, Grant Cardone, and Tony Robbins.

In this conversation, Brock and I discuss how he got into screenwriting, using your time well, why you need to take action now, how podcasting has helped his career, and much more.


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