Sales Expert Paul Leon on Creating Your Value Proposition as a Writer

As a writer, you live in two worlds: the world of business and the world of creative thinking. Creative types tend to focus on making the product and spend less time on marketing and selling it.

My guest today is here to help us develop our business chops as writers. Paul Leon is a training leader and sales manager with nearly twenty years of experience providing sales management in many industries. 

He has extensive experience developing and delivering sales training materials, including developing curriculum aligned with product training, facilitating new hire training, providing in-person and online classes, meeting and exceeding sales training goals, and leading cross-function teams. 

Paul also hosts the Persistence Mastery podcast, a great show about helping professionals grow their communication skills. 

In this conversation, Paul and I discuss creating your value proposition as a writer. What value do you bring to your clients, customers, and readers? How do you improve their lives? We also dive into the difference between cost and investment, and why this difference is so crucial.

If you do client work as a writer, you’ll love this episode and the actionable steps you can put to work in your business immediately.


 A big thank you to our sponsors:

There is No Such Thing as Writer’s Block is the brand-new book from HonorĂ©e Corder. You’ll learn what’s really blocking you, the value of building your writer tribe, how to become the writer you’ve always dreamed of, and much more. Grab your copy today!

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