An Introduction to The Profitable Writer: Grow Your Impact & Income with a Writing Business

Dec 05, 2023



For the last three years, I've hosted a blog and a podcast titled "The Daily Writer." If you've been a listener or supporter, thank you! I truly appreciate it.

A few months ago, I began to explore what it might mean to pivot so I could help writers more directly with creating income. After much thought and many conversations, I decided to transition everything to The Profitable Writer. 

In this introductory post, I'm excited to answer four key questions that act as a great introduction to Profitable Writer.

1. What Problem Are We Solving?

This question is important when creating a product, service, or content. Whatever you create should be focused on helping people solve some problem.

Over the last six months, I’ve had dozens of in-depth conversations with writers. I wanted to get to the bottom of a very simple question: Why are many writers not as successful as they want to be?

I took extensive notes on these conversations, and I noticed several themes kept up over and over again. People kept telling me versions of these statements:

  • I hate marketing myself as a writer and don’t feel comfortable putting myself out there.
  • I’m an introvert and get exhausted talking to people, but I know I need to grow my network.
  • I don’t only want to do client work; I also want to make money with my books and products.
  • I want to develop more streams of income and be more financially successful.
  • I’m confused by all the conflicting advice I hear about building a writing business, but don’t know where to start.
  • I would enjoy what I do much more if it wasn’t for the business and marketing side of things.
  • I don’t know how to find the right clients or raise my rates, and I hate selling.

When I started to zoom out and look at the bigger picture, I finally understood that all these writers were using slightly different words to say the same basic thing:

I wish I had a clear, simple pathway that would show me the steps I need to take to grow multiple income streams over time, even if I’m an introvert and don’t enjoy marketing, networking, or selling in the traditional way.

That’s the central problem I’m trying to solve with Profitable Writer. It led me to develop The Profitable Writer Pathway.

2. What is The Profitable Writer Pathway?

This is a sequential, 9-step system designed to give you a clear, simple plan to help them achieve several things:

  • Build a proper foundation for your business.
  • Create a life and business on your terms that fits your personality.
  • Build a robust network of followers, fans, friends, collaborators, clients, and readers.
  • Build a life of financial independence and security.
  • Create a business that eventually gives you the freedom only to do work you enjoy (the true definition of creative freedom).

We’ll dive into the Pathway more over time, but here is the basic roadmap.


Step 1: Commit to the four fundamentals of a REAL writing business.

Step 2: Build a writing and publishing habit.

Step 3: Treat yourself like a professional.


Step 4: Research, launch, and market your niche writing business.

Step 5: Grow your 360-degree network of trusted partners and allies.

Step 6: Improve your systems for marketing, sales, and production.


Step 7: Define your author brand and niche.

Step 8: Become a recognized authority with consistent, high-quality content.

Step 9: Create multiple streams of income around your writing. 

3. Who is The Target Audience for The Profitable Writer?

You are the ideal listener, reader, and audience member for The Profitable Writer if you relate to any of these statements:

  • You want to grow your income as a writer to either part-time or full-time.
  • You’re tired of all the conflicting advice about how to make money as a writer. You’d love a clear pathway that tells you exactly what to do and exactly where you are on the journey.
  • You feel intimidated by concepts like selling, marketing, and networking—at least, in how it’s been taught traditionally.
  • You love people but get exhausted by all the Zoom calls, phone calls, emails, and social media.
  • You don’t just want to increase your income a little; you truly want to thrive financially so you can feel less stress, build a better future for your family, give more, and focus on what you do best.
  • You want to build multiple income streams around your writing and content.

If you relate to any of these statements, you’re in the right place!

4. What Can You Expect from The Podcast and Blog?

The show's format will be two episodes per week, at least initially. Tuesdays will generally be a solo where we explore a topic that helps you be more successful as a writer. Each episode will also have an accompanying blog post.

On Thursdays, we’ll feature interviews where you’ll hear from successful authors, literary agents, coaches, business leaders, creative minds, and more.

I’m so grateful that you’re joining me on this journey! My greatest hope for you is that you can succeed far beyond your wildest dreams as you build your writing business.